BUTTERFLY MURAL – At the Farmers Market - 334 Clark Ave. Dyerburg. TN
Because West Tennessee is on the Monarch Migration path, and the proximity to the Farmer’s Market, the butterfly mural was a perfect fit for the Leadership class 2022 mural project. The Dyer County master gardeners created & maintain a butterfly garden beside the mural.
Commissioned to complete the mural was local artist Jonathan Futch. Futch has been a resident of Dyer County Since 1990. He shared some about his life as an artist. “Art is my God giving talent, as a little kid drawing was my thing,” stated Futch. Now I paint window murals all across the area for different business and organizations. Since 2017, I’ve traveled to 9 different states and painted 14 murals. I’ve painted for many people and places. It gives me so much joy to see people enjoying them. I thank God for my talent, it is a blessing for me and so many people."
Menglewood Mural located at the First Citizens National Bank Pocket Park in downtown Dyersburg, at the corner of North Main St. and West Court St.
Having been raised in Dyer County, I grew up hearing stories related to music and how performers were connected to Dyer County history. Stories like the fact that Elvis drove a truck and would stop in Newbern before he cut his first record. I learned that James Brown and the Flames once played in a joint south of the train tracks in Dyersburg. On March 5, 1963, Patsy Cline ate her last meal and made a phone call to Nashville from the Dyersburg airport before boarding a small plane that later crashed near Camden, Tennessee. That crash took her life but also killed country music stars Cowboy Copas, Hawkshaw Hawkins and her manager, Randy Hughes.

Members of the Dyersburg/Dyer County Chamber of Commerce 2018-2019 Adult Leadership Class commissioned mural by: local artist MK Alford. The image portrays many of Dyersburg's most treasured aspects such as the Dyer County Courthouse, agriculture, the Dyer County Fair, the Mississippi River bridge, and finally a field of cotton, a nod to the former Cotton Mill, which served as one of Dyersburg's leading industries for many decades.